Stuffing Envelopes

I know what you’re thinking. Stuffing envelopes. No one likes to do it. We have a lot of not-for-profit customers (like churches) that use volunteers who spend weeks stuffing envelopes for mailings. Businesses aren’t so lucky and if falls on hourly staff to do the work.

Well, it doesn’t have to. Feast your eyes on this:

What is that? It’s our Secap SI3500 and it is capable of folding and inserting your forms, flyers, and brochures, into envelopes. From one sheet, to multiple, C-fold or Z-fold, rack cards or a respond envelope, it’s really versatile.

But wait, there’s more!

Not only can it insert, but it can SEAL the envelope as well! Prices vary, but if you’ve got 500+ to do, we can do it faster and less expensive than an hourly employee can. So what about the places that use volunteers? Add up the hours that they spend working on your mailings and then think of what you could use those hours for instead. If you are folding and inserting your mailings by hand, you are leaving money on the table.